Being in Moozuri am sure watching Perry throughtout his time before and during Governor of Texas was a top priority. Just shows you only know what some subversive told you.
Well, being born and raised in Texas and with family still in Texas I hear about Texas politics almost daily. And having lived there till 1996 I have a pretty fair knowledge of what’s going on there. So you might say, I am temporarily absent from Texas.
Plus, I do read up on a lot of what Perry has done in TX and it ain’t all good. I am interested in getting someone in the White house that will do what they say and not be accountable to the GOP establishment.
Perry is a RINO, an open borders arse, he has demonstrated statist actions in requiring the Gardusil inoculations among a number of things like endorsing Al Gore.
I don’t trust Perry any farther than I could throw him. Palin has demonstrated she does what she says she will. And she has demonstrated an amazing ability to solve problems. And we got a lot of problems
So save your breath trying to paint me as a hearsay reactionary.