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To: gov_bean_ counter; Polybius; Jim Robinson
Please be respectful and take your discussion about Perry to a Perry thread. THIS is a Sarah Palin thread. It's disruptive to discuss Perry or his supporters unless it's directly relevant to the article I posted.

Yes, I am tattling like a two-year old to the boss. No, I'm not particularly proud of it, but I've already asked you twice.

196 posted on 08/26/2011 3:34:35 PM PDT by BuckeyeTexan (Man is not free unless government is limited. ~Ronald Reagan)
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To: BuckeyeTexan; Jim Robinson; Polybius
Ok, I will try and do better. But I respectfully point out the following...

1. I was only able to find the one request.
2. I was not the only person to bring up another candidates name
3. You as a Perry supporter posted an article having a provocative title. I am quite sure your intentions were honorable.

199 posted on 08/26/2011 3:55:13 PM PDT by gov_bean_ counter (Wesley Clark was an Eagle Scout too...)
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To: BuckeyeTexan; gov_bean_ counter; Jim Robinson
Please be respectful and take your discussion about Perry to a Perry thread. THIS is a Sarah Palin thread. It's disruptive to discuss Perry or his supporters unless it's directly relevant to the article I posted.

The subject of Perry came up on this thread because I was specifically asked, “Who do you support, Polybius?”

I replied that my candidate is not a "who" but a "what", and that my "what" is: "The most conservative candidate that can actually defeat Obama in the general election".

Gov_bean_ counter, a Palin supporter, then replied that he thought it was a “solid answer” and Palin was also discussed.

In a “horse race” thread, it is difficult to discuss only one horse to the exclusion of all other horses. But, as it is your thread, I will leave it.

Regards, Polybius

205 posted on 08/26/2011 4:24:38 PM PDT by Polybius (Defeating Obama is Priority Number One)
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To: BuckeyeTexan

Yes, I am tattling like a two-year old to the boss. No, I’m not particularly proud of it
ROFLMAO!! Of course you’re proud of it and you do it more than anyone else at FR. All ones needs to do is look at your past posts and see how often you ping JR and the mods. You not be proud of it but you sure try to tattle more than any 1st grader. You fool only the fools. What you are and why you are here is obvious to most. Keep up the brown’s buying you time.

288 posted on 09/02/2011 8:12:18 AM PDT by mojitojoe (WH says potus didnÂ’t feel the earthquake. No worries. Another is scheduled for November 2012)
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