To: Gena Bukin
There's plenty on this forum working overtime to undermine his campaign. Vetting is important, don't you think?
185 posted on
08/26/2011 2:54:30 PM PDT by
(--I will still vote for Sarah Palin, even if she doesn't run--Face it, where I live no (R) can win.)
To: itsahoot
Vetting is important, don't you think?Vetting is very important...making up shitte to support your demented position is not!
To: itsahoot
Vetting is important, don't you think? Absolutely! And Austin liberals have had a decade to try and find dirt on Perry. They haven't found much on him --to the dismay of many here who have been forced to grasp at straws and old, out of context quotes in their efforts to bash Governor Perry.
188 posted on
08/26/2011 3:02:13 PM PDT by
Gena Bukin
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