Hurricane force winds extend outward 90 miles
Tropical storm force winds extend 260 miles from the storm center
Rainfall...Irene is expected to produce rainfall accumulations of 6 to 10
inches...with isolated maximum amounts of 15 inches...from eastern
North Carolina northward through the mid-Atlantic states into eastern
New York and western New England.
WRAL-TV - (linked in header of thread) - is streaming online.
Cape Hatteras METARS:
270958Z AUTO 12047G64KT 1/2SM +RA FG FEW008 OVC014 26/25 A2906 RMK AO2 PK WND 12064/0954 P0007 TSNO
Morehead City METARS:
270956Z AUTO 07031G50KT 3/4SM +RA BR VV007 26/25 A2850 RMK AO2 PK WND 07058/0945 PRESFR SLP651 P0068 T02610250
Breaking NBC Hurricane Hysteria News:
End of Atlantic Beach Pier at Atlantic Beach, NC, falls into ocean, NBC News reports
Looks to me now as if Irene will be passing through NYC at low tide, but CT will be caught more at high tide.
Well at that rate, it should get here in about 100 HOURS!