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Hoodlums who happen to be Muslim have no respect for Islam ^ | Aug 15, 2011 | Randa Abdel-Fattah and Mariam Veiszadeh

Posted on 08/18/2011 8:29:38 AM PDT by bayouranger

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To: hummingbird

You should not feel concerned about their feelings because moslems don’t consider you to be human. They refer to you as an Infidel or a Kafir. Those 2 names have terrible consequences in moslem ruled countries.

If you would be kind enough, I will post Hugh F’s reply on this article that puts it all into perspective. In short, all moslems are liars trying to promote islam & sharia.

Here is his reply:

Muslim Damage Control in Australia: Two Sweetly-Smiling Muslimah Lawyers in Sydney’s Daily Telegraph Present the Usual Nonsense and Lies

Remember the convert to Islam, in Australia, who was recently flogged unmercifully by a bunch of Muslim sharia-pushers, to punish him - precisely in accord with the rules laid down by sharia - for having breached the Islamic prohibition on drinking alcohol, by sneaking off for a quiet beer with his mates? This incident exposed Islam and the Ummah, in Australia, to a good deal of critical scrutiny and comment from the surrounding Infidels.

Now two pretty Muslimahs with smiles as false as hell [click on the link to see their mug-shots] both lawyers, one disarmingly bare-headed with impeccable coiffure, the other wearing that version of the Slave Hood that is deemed least intimidating, being deceptively similar to a nun’s wimple, look down their noses at us from the pages of Sydney’s Telegraph, trot out the well-worn canard about misunderstanders of Islam, and tell us that we’re getting it all wrong. Islam isn’t like that! 40 lashes for drinking alcohol has got nothing to do with Islam or the sharia, nothing at all! Suuuure....and all those reports we hear, of laws against drinking alcohol, and floggings or canings for breaching those laws, from places like fervently-Islamic Aceh in Indonesia, and form Malaysia, and form other parts of Dar Al Islam, have got nothing to do with Islam...??

From the Daily Telegraph, August 15 2011. [HT: Sheikyermami].

‘Hoodlums who happen to be Muslim have no respect for Islam’

by Randa Abdel-Fattah [ ‘lawyer, author, and human rights activist’ (sic: make that ‘activist for Muslim supremacy’)] and Mariam Veiszadeh [’lawyer and Muslim community advocate’].’

And one of those ‘hoodlums’, with ‘no respect for Islam’, just happens to be an Islamically-bearded man who works in the Bukhari Islamic bookshop. I don’t think he’s ill-informed about Islam. And I don’t think he disrespects Islam; he respects it so fervently that he saw nothing wrong with breaking assorted Australian laws in order to carry out the sharia punishment for drinking alcohol. No, I think what Misses Abdel-Fattah and Veiszadeh are upset about is that by breaking into the new convert’s house and giving him a good ol’ sharia-sanctioned flogging - for which they are now up on a charge of assault, among other things - the floggers have ‘blown the gaff’. They have gone too far too fast and too publicly, thus breaching Islam’s ‘cover’ in Australia, its - already somewhat threadbare - pose as a benign and peaceful if slightly peculiar belief-system. It is that ‘cover’ which Misses Abdel-Fattah and Veiszadeh are now spinning as hard as they can to repair. - CM

‘The recent case of the Muslim men accused of lashing another Muslim in his home is still to be decided by the courts but early reports suggest that Islam was once again hijacked and used as justification for criminal behaviour.’

Nonsense. The flogging was merely the traditional, standard sharia punishment for drinking. The floggers did not ‘hijack’ Islam; they were obeying Islam instead of obeying non-Muslim Australian law. - CM

‘As lawyers and as Muslims, we find it reprehensible when Islamic jurisprudence is appropriate by backyard thugs whose actions show an utter contempt and arrogant disdain for the ethical, moral and reasonable principles that underlie Islamic theology’.’

Let’s contemplate that line again. ‘The ethical, moral and reasonable principles that underlie Islamic theology’. If one is familiar with Al-Ghazali, for example, or with what Maimonides said about the fundamental irrationalism of the Islamic cosmology and theology, and if one is aware of the absence (and, indeed, flagrant, deliberate and violation of) the Golden Rule that characterises Muslim treatment of non-Muslims (in full conformity with the instructions in their texts, such as Surah 48:29), and if one is aware of the extent to which deception, suspicion, aggression and outright expediency (all explicitly taught and/ or encouraged by the Islamic texts) govern Muslim behaviour both within the Ummah and toward non-Muslims, then one’s response to this mind-bogglingly false statement will be a howl of derisive laughter. What ethics? What morals? What reason? ROFLMAO. The only ‘rule’ these guys breached was that of expediency; unlike most of their fellow Muslims, who presumably still deem it expedient for the most part to lie low and sing small, they seem to have thought they could breach Australian law and get away with it. - CM

‘The majority of Muslims are fed up with a minority who are content to manufacture ugly interpretations of Islam, which are far removed form the compassionate and just jurisprudential legacy we have inherited.’

‘Compassionate and just’, eh? Like that Kurdish cleric who recently gave a Friday sermon inveighing against proposed laws in Kurdistan to ban the beating of wives and daughters and the genital mutilation of women; because those laws contravened Islam. He became quite hysterical in support of the sacred right, under Islam, of Muslim men to beat their wives and their daughters, and to have them genitally mutilated. And in support of cutting out the clitoris he cited the founder of the Shafii school of Sharia law, the school which declares unequivocally, in one of its authoritative books - “Reliance of the Traveller”, which is most probably on the shelves in the Bukhari bookshop in Sydney - that the cutting out of the clitoris is obligatory. - CM

‘Unfortunately, we live in a society where very few people make a distinction between the teachings of a faith and the myriad interpretations and distortions such teachings can produce.’

Unfortunately for you, miladies, the gremlin is out of the bag; you live in a society where, thanks to the internet and our ability to unearth and read Old Books, many non-Muslims have read or are reading the core Islamic texts, and history books, and can find out, from useful websites such as MEMRI, exactly what is now being said inside mosques and on government-controlled TV stations in the heart of the Muslim world. And we find in those texts and that history and those sermons ancient and modern, not remarkable diversity but a mind-numbing uniformity, in particular a very uniform attitude of hatred, contempt and aggression toward non-Muslims qua non-Muslims, and open declarations of intent to conquer the entire planet and force evey human on earth to submit to the thuggish, totalitarian and irrational unlaw that is sharia. - CM

‘We are also fed up with the media highlighting every criminal or stupid act by somebody who happens to be a Muslim.’

Really? I had rather got the impression that the opposite was happening; that, if anything, the media in the western world are falling over themselves to deny, cover up, minimise or make excuses for Muslim misdeeds and to regularly present articles that flatter Islam and Muslims - CM

‘There are more than 300 000 Muslims in Australia and while the vast majority are law-abiding (for the moment - CM) they stand accused alongside every Muslim who has a run-in with the law.’

‘A run-in with the law’. Just trifling peccadilloes. Such as plots to kill the prime minister and blow up a sports stadium, or plots to carry out a suicidal ghazi raid upon the Holsworthy Army Base. Or like that lying Burqa babe, Carnita Matthews, with her large allahu-akbaring cheer squad of male Mohammedans who attacked both police and journalists? Like the gangs of Muslim males, both Lebanese and Pakistani, who went on gang rape sprees against Australian non-Muslim girls and then, when they were caught and went to court, showed not the tiniest flicker of remorse, exhibited total contempt for the judge and all court officers, and were openly and loudly supported by large numbers of their friends and relations, who made it plain they thought the young men had done nothing wrong at all, and screamed insults at the girl victims, some of whom had been minors at the time of the assaults? Or like the Libyan Muslim male who couldn’t keep his hands off the uncovered infidel female meat, on a station platform in broad daylight? Just little, unimportant things like that - all of which are entirely consistent with the way in which, in the Islamic texts, Muslims are taught to view and treat non-Muslims. - CM

‘The media attention is disproportionate, leaving the grossly unfair impression that the majority of Muslims are on the wrong side of the law.’

Nonsense. If anything, up till now the media has given me the impression it was trying to do exactly the reverse. - CM

‘The Muslim community is as diverse and eclectic as any community which broadly falls under a religious category and individual actions should not be extrapolated to a judgment about an entire faith community.’

‘Diverse’ and ‘eclectic’. Anybody feel like playing Buzzword Bingo? But note that at all costs the attempt to deflect attention from the fact that anyone who does a bit of research will discover that sharia - based on explicit texts in the Islamic scriptures - does indeed prescribe that Muslims who drink alcohol should be flogged; and will also discover that orthodox Muslim theologians ancient and modern regard Muslims as obliged to view non-Muslim laws and institutions with contempt and hostility and to strive to remove them and to replace them with the sharia. - CM

‘For every outrageous false claim made by a Muslim in the name of Islam, whether to justify misogyny, brutality, or ideological divisions, there are countless Muslims - lay people, scholars, academics, community workers, activists, professionals, students - countering such ugliness.’

Hmmm. When a Pakistani Muslim politician, Salman Taseer, came out in support of Aasia Bibi - who is on death row in Pakistan, right now, on a charge of ‘Blasphemy’! he was promptly assassinated; and his assassins were praised by many, many Pakistani Muslims. And in Yemen and Saudi Arabia, when people agitate for, say, a law forbidding the marrying of girl-children, and just now in Kurdistan when a law is proposed to forbid wife-beating and genital mutilation of women, the Muslim clerics supported by large numbers of ordinary Muslims rise up and oppose them, citing copious Islamic texts in support of whatever practice is being challenged, and usually manage to squelch the proposed reform. - CM

‘As Muslim women, as lawyers, as Australians, we have this message: there is no fundamental or intrinsic incompatibility between ‘Islam and democracy’.’

Suure there isn’t, so long as one gives democracy the meaning that Plato and Aristotle gave it - mob rule. For in dar al Islam the locus of power oscillates chaotically between the despots and the mobs. But if one defines democracy as a modern liberal democracy with rule of law, under which there is equality before the law for men and women and for people of different faiths, then there is no compatibility whatsoever. For Islam mandates inferior status for, and institutionalises active and severe discrimination against, women and non-Muslims. - CM

‘We also say this: fears about the criminal code of sharia having a place in Australia are generated by sensational scaremongering.’

Not scaremonging, my dear.liars. Grim realism based on observation of the Islamic texts combined with observation of historic and contemporary facts on the ground - CM

‘The criminal code (by which, I assume, she means the flogging, the amputations, the beheadings and stonings - CM) is barely implemented in Muslim majority countries (’Barely’? - In Iran, in Afghanistan, in Saudi Arabia, it is done; in Somalia it is done; in northern Nigeria large parts of sharia are in force; in Pakistan they are killing people for ‘blasphemy’; and there is across the entire Muslim world an ever-louder call for more and more sharia more and more strictly imposed. - CM) so any such debate is a moot point.’

For the moment. While the Ummah, or Mohammedan mob, remains as yet a relatively small minority within Australia. But just you wait, ‘enry ‘iggins, just you wait...- CM

‘That some might seek to justify their behaviour on the basis of sharia does not mean that their actions are a true reflection of sharia law or that sharia law is coming to Australia.’

You are lying, my dears. The floggers were strictly obeying the sharia. And wherever Muslims have gone, sooner or later, once their numbers are large enough and/ or their grasp of the levers of power becomes firm enough, there arises a call for the imposition of the sharia. Whenever Islam has grown lax, historically, there have always been rebounds toward greater harshness. - CM

‘To be a good Muslim and a good Australian are one and the same thing.’

No. Define ‘good Muslim’, milady. Define ‘good Australian’. Define ‘good’. The Islamic definition of ‘good’ and the non-Muslim Australian definition of ‘good’ are not the same. Indeed, in Islam ‘good’ means in practice ‘whatever increases the temporal power of the Ummah and weakens the non-Muslims’. - CM

‘A life devoted to Islam’s ethical and moral principles’

(what principles? - shall I mention that little word ‘taqiyya’? shall I mention the clear rejection of the Golden Rule, that is visible in Surah 48: 29, ‘those who follow him [Mohammed] are ruthless toward the unbeliever but merciful to one another” and in the oft-reiterated principle of al-walaa wa al-baraa, ‘loyalty [to Muslims only] and enmity [toward all non-Muslims qua non-Muslims]’ and the many injunctions to never befriend non-Muslims unless feigningly and temporarily for Muslim advantage? - CM)

‘means a person will strive to have integrity, to be law-abiding and embrace civic responsibilities.’

But what of Taqi Osmani, ‘one of the world’s most respected Deobandi scholars’, signatory to the letter from the Muslims to the Christians, ‘A common world’, who - as revealed in an article in The Times by Andrew Norfolk, who had read Mr Usmani’s book, believes that Muslims “should live peacefully in countries such as Britain, where they have the freedom to practise Islam, only until they gain enough power to engage in battle.” ‘Our followers must live in peace until strong enough to wage jihad”.

And in Dubai, in November 2004, as reported in the Khaleej Times, speaking to a gathering of Muslims, a convert to Islam, one Hamza Yousuf, told his audience “there are times when you have to live like a sheep in order to live in the future like a lion”.

‘Let us name criminal behaviour for what it is and not grace it with any religious labels’.

Pull my other leg, ladies, it has bells on. You know and I know that this flogging was carried out in obedience to the sharia; that it is part of sharia as practised in many Islamic countries; and that the only reason you don’t want us to think, right now, that it is part of sharia - that Islam thinks it right and proper to flog a man for drinking a beer - is because here in Australia Muslims like yourself are (whether consciously or reflexively) lying low, waiting for your strength and numbers to increase, whether locally, regionally or nationally.

And on the subject of the imposition of sharia, which our Muslimah spin-doctors have dismissed as mere sensationalist fearmonging: I recall an article from 2006 by Australian journalist Paul Sheehan that recounts how local Muslims were continually harassing and threatening a small business man, a Lebanese Arab Christian, with the clear and openly avowed aim of forcing him to close down his little bottle shop which was in a part of Sydney that they had declared ‘a Muslim area’. A prohibition on the public sale of alcohol is one of the laws that comprise the Pact of Omar, archetype of all the vindictively draconian restrictions that the sharia imposed upon dhimmis, non-Muslims living under Muslim rule. So there are parts of Australia where aspects of sharia already are being and have been imposed - by Muslim threats and low-level violence - not only upon fellow-Muslims but upon non-Muslims. - CM

I would recommend reading all of his work over at He was also a contributor at, under

I only wish I could write like him.

21 posted on 08/18/2011 9:47:53 AM PDT by bayouranger (The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices the lie.)
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To: bayouranger
"The majority of Muslims are fed up with a minority who are content to manufacture ugly interpretations of Islam"

It's not enough to talk the talk. Walk the walk.

Moslems generally have their own quaint way of taking care of anything with which they are "fed up". In this instance it ain't happening Cousin.

22 posted on 08/18/2011 10:01:18 AM PDT by YHAOS (you betcha!)
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To: bayouranger

Muslims who support, advocate, or carry out extremism and violence are giving the other 1% a bad name.

23 posted on 08/18/2011 10:04:46 AM PDT by Iron Munro (One Trillion seconds = 31,709.79 YEARS / One Trillion dollars = A 3 Month Obama Spending Spree)
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There you go, spouting the truth again. Sheesh! ;-)

24 posted on 08/18/2011 10:25:49 AM PDT by TexasRepublic (Socialism is the gospel of envy and the religion of thieves)
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To: ZULU; bayouranger

especially if that was off the top of your head,
that list is awesome!
offhand, i’d only add the sack of Rome,
beheadings of buddhist in thailand,
and kidnapping, forced conversion and marriage in Egypt.
(i literally cannot imagine the suffering of those women, or the pain of their parents, who never see them again...)

and i’m very interesting in that story by bayouranger about the cadet. sounds like a real potential terrorist.
and i wonder if stories like that are more common, but never reported. (unlike the birther NCO who just went “awol”.)
i’m also curious if that cadet joined NOI fairly recently? or many years ago?
(either way, i’m sure it will be more common in the future.)

25 posted on 08/18/2011 11:28:51 AM PDT by Elendur (It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: bayouranger; hummingbird

What is “SJS”?

Also - I’m glad that you like this article. I thought it would serve as a pseudo-training guide for my fellow Kafirs on how to filter through an article that has been thoroughly scrubbed with taqiyya.
my apolgies. it’s “sudden jihad syndrome”.
i generally dislike them myself, and rarely use them.

and yes, you are exactly right, your article is perfect!
(in fact, i’ll probably add it to my Islam links here.)

and hummingbird makes good sense, and your post to him is also truly excellent.

and when you meet a Muslim, we can remember,
their religion FORBIDS them specifically,
to even be friends with us.
(and permits them to lie to and deceive us).
their religion has placed us in the “house of war”.

i don’t hate Muslims. and many, are NOT devout,
and don’t know their own religion.
(in the masjid, i was told i knew more about Islam,
than most muslims...)
but i certainly don’t feel guilty for being “Islamophobic”!

thanks again to bayouranger, for a great article and discussing. i’m going to add this link now for reference!

26 posted on 08/18/2011 11:45:05 AM PDT by Elendur (It is incumbent on every generation to pay its own debts as it goes. - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Elendur

His name was Cadet Dodd & it was around ‘92-93..when I signed up at 17....I’m getting old.

Anyhow, his awol status wasn’t much of an issue after the case was handed over to the Feds.

One thing for certain, he wasn’t seen again. On the other hand, it does show that they were actively recruiting members who were AAs for some time now.

27 posted on 08/18/2011 3:35:47 PM PDT by bayouranger (The 1st victim of islam is the person who practices the lie.)
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