Aug 4, 2011
Republican Gov. Chris Christie defended his decision to nominate a Muslim judge to the state Superior Court against conservative critics who warned that the new judge will implement Sharia law. The notoriously blunt-spoken Christie calling their fears crap and crazy.
There is more to it than one news story from one source.
I am not going to sit here all day and find the proof of what everyone is calling me a liar for. If you wish to think that, go for it. The proof is out there. I’m done. You all have minds of your own. I started out by saying I’M out. Every one of you know how to use a search engine. Do it, or don’t do it. If you like Rick Perry, fine. That doesn’t mean we can’t/don’t agree on other things of importance. It’s early. The primaries have not even started yet. I am not gonna fight with you or bang you over the head to do what I do or think how I think. Okay?
It’s just one more piece of information. And one that happens to be my personal monster in the closet.