If SEUI -—> America, then, yep, SEIU has to go.
Obama makes me want to puke.
This is so pathetic it is laughable. I never thought I’d see the day when Dems were actually hell bent on self-destruction. < /huge grin>
Trumka is an irrelevant thug, common in this administration.
Trumka ,AKA Fat Commie,Nice try BUT,Unions and Pinkos are our enemy,Your Money for nothing is Over!
Democrats just repeating what people are leveling at them
Their “psycobabble” brethren call it projecting.
It’s along the same lines as “takes one to know one”
Unions thugs are killing our country. The union leadership are a gang of thugs, crooks, and criminals, along with their enablers, the DemonRats! Damn unions!
Typical leftist remark..
Blame others for the mischief&nayhem you are actually up to your own neck in yourself.
Coming from a union punk thug who specializes in his fellow goons breaking bones & kneecaps, this is incredible. One thing you gotta hand the unions & lefties....their capacity for smears & lies & chutzpah is unparalleled. The unions are destroying America and this punk union thug turns arounds and accuses the TEA Party of the very same tactics that the union goons are engaged in. I believe this is part of Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals guidebook. I would love to see some rogue distraught union thug kneecap Trumka for a change.
Yeah, right! The Tea Party wants to destroy this country by wanting it to reduce spending. Are there any reasonable people out there?
He’s been hanging around the pot smoking alcohol drinking crowd to long. This man is a menace.
So thousands of people across the land carrying American and Don’t tread on me flags are trying to destroy America? This guy isn’t very bright. If this is the type of person the president gets his advice from, people should be able to tell where he is leading us. Is this what we want from a leader of our country? I don’t thinks. Congress needs to step in and start controlling this guy or get rid of him.
This commie POS needs to take a long walk on a short pier and take his union thug members with him.
Hey Trumka, STFU!! Who cares what you have to say!
Wrong. This is what the rats, the socialists and communists are trying to do, and they are doing it deliberately. The scum bags of the earth know that, most likely, the only way the US can be defeated, is to bankrupt the country. If they think the riots in Greece were bad, I feel they have not seen anything yet. I hate to think this will happen, but I think it is coming.
As I’ve asked elsewhere, why is it the Tea Party’s fault S&P made a $2 trillion error?