Notice the last couple of sentences? Usually the last few sentences are the windup to the message and the last thing you carry with you about the point of the article.
However, Krugman chose to end it with an attack on our whole political system. Trying to point out an imperfection, it’s not working, it needs to be changed. Communism, anybody?
This is a pattern I’ve seen in several proggie articles lately. They rant and rail and then end up with the ‘we have a flawed government system’ KRAP. And the many will believe it. Even though it worked just fine while the proggie commies spent $6 TRILLION in the last four years.
Krugman and Friedman agree: that pesky constitution just gets in the way.
CHINA is the model! Dissenters? Bullet in the neck! Onward to victory, comrades!