Geoge Will on ABC - not having tax increases in this deal is a win for Republicans.
Paul Krugman says we shouldn’t be talking about spending cuts AT ALL. This will increase unemployment. Says the average Republican voter thinks the debt deal should include tax increases.
George Will lists all the programs we’ve tried - TARP, stimulus, cash for clunkers, dollars for dishwashers (I think he made that one up), the entire range of stimulus packages simply have not worked.
He did NOT.... Tax credits for "energy star" appliances.
ABC, interview mohamed el-erian, CEO, PIMCO - relief from passing this deal will be short-rated.
Effect of downgrade to AA rating - it will make us worse off. (Englightening!)
Agrees with Krugman that slowing spending at this stage will make economic growth weaker (I think that’s what he said)
I think there was a federal program that gave consumers rebates for buying "green" appliances. I don't think it had the same "you have to consign your old (clunker) appliance to the trash" clause that cash for clunkers had.
-- the entire range of stimulus packages simply have not worked. --
They have a short term stimulus effect, at the expense of future commercial activity.
Just once I wish someone who stay "Excuse me, what data can you cite to show support for that claim?" It is complete make believe. Another example how the Progressive Fascist Political Media machine is willing to simply make up things to validate their failed political dogmas. How can we possible ever have any meaningful political discuss with people so intellectually dishonest?