Exactly, same old pap,class warfare,pubbies pushing granny over the hill,all we need are more taxes not spending cuts. Hey, left wing A-holllls, tell it to Standard and Poors or Moodys.
They want solid budget cuts of 400 billion per year or we get downgraded.
This was the BEST sun AM show!
To watch Krugman was worth an ON DEMAND show I would pay to see! He was nervous, stupid and bumbling and actually at one point when asked a question, said, “Uh....”
Here comes Christeeeeen saying the texas terrorist guy “might’ be a radical Muslim, but in Norway “ there was a Right Wing Christian”..blah, blah...Now the conversation goes to discussing the Right wing terrorists!!!
Love it, “Unfair and Unbalanced.”...now bringing up a right wing terrorist -—ONE—in 2009.