Liberals like Alan Colmes say it's because the government has already spent the money and by law must still be able to pay their bills...
You can cut the bloated federal payroll and cut salaries, perks and bennies immediately. You can stop subsidizing and giving away money immediately. You can repeal and abolish ObamaCare immediately without hurting anyone. You can shutter and close entire departments and we’d never miss them. You can quit supporting every damned liberal/communist cause that comes down the pike, including public broadcasting, acorn, seiu, planned parenthood, the UN, etc. You can quit spending our money on illegal aliens! You can declare victory and bring our troops home. You can cancel the damned shovel ready projects and bridges to nowhere! You can stop the asinine bullet trains. You can knock off the endless studies. You can stop the damned federal wars against industry, energy, capitalism and the formerly free American people!