I used to call him Chaunce, the Gardner, though perhaps, I should have called him Gershom, for he is a stranger in a strange land. He is truly, not of us, he is not an American, regardless of where he was born. He is almost completely deracinated, drifting aimlessly and lost.
He is intellectually about as shallow as any president in history, possibly the most. Warren G. Harding appears to be a towering intellect in comparison. He was waifed along on the Zephyrs of affirmative action and has not the least idea of how the world works, nor his place in it, nor how this nation came to be.
He is intellectually about as shallow as any president in history, possibly the most. Warren G. Harding appears to be a towering intellect in comparison. He was waifed along on the Zephyrs of affirmative action and has not the least idea of how the world works, nor his place in it, nor how this nation came to be.
When we speculate on Obama’s intelligence based on what he has done to the country in his short tenure, we usually assume he is really trying to get this country on its feet again. That is an error. If we assume the opposite, that he is trying to destroy the country, he is succeeding brilliantly. I don’t believe that he is the braintrust behind this coup, but he has certainly proven a useful idiot to those in charge. I wish I knew who “those in charge” were.
"Obama, you think these suckers gonna vote for you again after all your screwups?"
"My screwups? You the one who angered the suckers, gallivanting around in designer outfits."
Obama has FAILED in every "government service" he has shoved down our throats while throwing away trillions of tax dollars. There are over 200 taxes being collected so that the govt is blanketed with tax income. AND NOW OBAMA WANTS AMERICANS TO BELIEVE he can be trusted with a higher debt ceiling, a multi-trillion dollar budget, and govt-run health care.
Obama's a reverse King Midas---everything he touches turns to trash.
MOMENTS TO REMEMBER Govt can't even run a high-demand business like a house of prostitution. Several years ago, govt took over the Mustang Ranch in Nevada because they didn't pay their taxes; after which it soon closed.
He’s a mouthpiece, front man, for whoever is relaying the game plan on the other end of his blackberry when he’s out on the golf course.