Neither states nor courts have "rights." People have rights. Governments, or branches of government, or more accurately the officers of those government departments, have lawful jurisdiction, legitimate powers, and sworn duties.
No one has a right, or lawful jurisdiction, or legitimate power, to overturn the laws of nature and of Nature's God.
To claim they do is to overturn the natural law moral basis for our free republic, which was intended to be a nation of laws, not of men.
And to therefore give aid and comfort to the radical Left, who are intent on destroying the work of generations of Americans.
Because, you can take it to the bank, neither God nor nature will budge on these critical matters. Folks who try to ignore that immutable fact will only destroy themselves.
No one has a right, or lawful jurisdiction, or legitimate power, to overturn the laws of nature and of Nature's God.
To claim they do is to overturn the natural law moral basis for our free republic, which was intended to be a nation of laws, not of men.
Excellent post, EV.