Very nicely laid out and exactly what I was driving at.
Fully automatic Russian military AK-47s can be bought for around $100-200 in South and Central America, or from Venezuela which is now making them for themselves. These much cheaper military grade machine guns can be brought into Mexico with already existing drug shipments with little to no risk so I don't see the value to the Drug Cartels in buying inferior, non military grade semi automatic weapons from America for over $1000 which 5-10 times the $100-200 going price for high quality, military grade fully auto machine guns from on the open international and south of the border sources and markets.
It is also a much higher risk to traffic these price inflated, inferior quality American market semi auto AK knock offs across the highly patrolled US - Mexico when the cheaper high quality, military grade real deal machine guns can be shipped across the same totally open non US borders borders the Cartels are using to ship their drugs across with little or no risk what so ever.
A lot of the circumstances of Fast and Furious simply do not make any logical sense when put into reasonable context.
It kind of makes you wonder what the heck really was going on with this program and why.