fish gotta swim, andRats gotta TAX!
Hey Liberal Californian’s: Your Taxes and Out of control spending has turned your state into a Banana Republic. Decades of liberal policies have destroyed your once great state.
And u want more money to continue into the abylss?
jerry brown created most of the californicate’s problems
during his first two administrations.
Personally, I started working when I was 12, and worked continuously (even while in college on the GI Bill) until the day Bush I went back on his “No New Taxes” pledge.
My Tax bill went way down.
'Squander' is a right-wing conspirator word.
I’m not a west coaster, so I am curious, is the Sacramento Bee a left or right newspaper?
I ask because I see more and more stories coming out of California, that I don’t think I would have seen a few years ago, and wonder if folks are starting to wake up out there, or are these stories just from conservative rags?
I’ve noticed here in Illinois, that more and more conservative view points are being published in our liberal papers. Not much mind you, but it is noticeable.