I’ll bet the media is celebrating today at how easy it was for them to create the lynch mob mentality over the Casey Anthony verdict and double/triple their tv ratings.
Chaney Mason had it right when he said “media assasination.”
I wouldn’t be a bit surprised if Cindy Anthony is waiting for her daughter whereever she lands, divorce papers in hand for George, who will be missing permanently from any contact with his wife and daughter.
Beautiful Caylee died and I will never believe it was premeditated, regardless of how it happened. The prosecution overcharged, the defense did their job and the jury did theirs.
Ill bet the media is celebrating today at how easy it was for them to create the lynch mob mentality over the Casey Anthony verdict and double/triple their tv ratings. Chaney Mason had it right when he said media assasination.Yes, true! I find it disturbing how folks can rapidly (or rabidly?) hate on Casey Anthony, regardless of whether she killed her child or not. And that's [in big part] the fault of the media.
Oh yea, blame it all on the media. Newsflash, not everyone watches TV.
I watched the whole trial, live stream (no commentary), did not watch any media coverage, and didn’t even go on any threads here on FR until it was over.
And I still say, she is guilty, the case was made, and the jury failed to do its job properly. So, now how am I a product of a media lynch mob mentality??
The system failed that little girl, the jurors were lazy and stupid.
This statement leaves only two possibilities:
1. You didn't follow the proceedings closely and you are just ignorant of the facts or
2. You followed the trial in which case you are as stupid and lazy as the jury.
Good luck with your reasoned response...
You will get flamed for ‘not caring about Caylee “ and then personal attacks.
I agree with you...My “opinion” is that something happened, but it was not premeditated, but then we will never know will we? And THAT supports the jury...All these people saying after the verdict” We will never really know what happened “ validates the jury’s verdict. If all you have is evidence here and there, even with Casey’s bizzare behavior in those 30 days..you still have nothing linking it specifically to Casey, well. there you go.
there have been circumstantial cases..., like lacey peterson..but there were specific links and in the timeline to tie it to the husband.