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To: Toespi

A medium size jet runs around 3 grand an hour. So I don’t think a 20k flight is very realistic and besides, she has no other option to get out of Florida securely. I suspect she will go to a secluded location and be getting therapy for the next few months. She will need at least 2-3 security guards around the clock which won’t be cheap. She has a 7 figure payday coming for her story so I’m sure someone has fronted her the funds to get situated. If I was here I would move to South America but I don’t think she can get a passport since she is a felon. She might have to hide out in the midwest for awhile before being able to leave the states.

Something I find irksome about the way the media handled this case is the “party girl” image they made of Casey. According to every single one of her friends(I’ve listened to every interview the police did with all her friends) she rarely had more than a drink or two and never did drugs. Not a single friend said she was out all the time nor that she was into partying anymore than any of their other friends were. According to her ex fiance she was adamantly anti-drug. Only her bf Tony Lazarro stated he smoked pot with her a couple times(to fit in with him I’m sure). So how is she a “party girl”? The pictures of her out at clubs are from 2-3 nights of her being out. Big deal. I know plenty of party girls and they go out 4-5 times a week. Casey was hardly the party girl the media makes her out to be. Granted, I still think she was drugging her kid with Xanax and overdosed her by mistake which killed her (my theory) but I digress. The witch hunt mentality I see coming from the public is disturbing.

The bottom line is the prosecution didn’t have enough evidence to convict her. We all know she was guilty in some way but you don’t send someone to jail forever because you “feel” you know she did it. The jurors have said exactly that - they knew she was guilty but there was no conclusive proof to what degree and of what exactly. The law is the law.

She is a free woman. Deal with it..let her get on with her life. It’s in God’s hands now. Do people really not have anything better to do than to go picket about her or yell at her? It is amazing how emotional people get over this case yet ignore far worse crimes that happen every day.

Perhaps Casey will become a better person and do something positive with her life and if not then karma’s a bitch and it will catch up with her eventually.

210 posted on 07/17/2011 7:53:19 AM PDT by BootsOfEscaping
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To: BootsOfEscaping
She will need at least 2-3 security guards around the clock which won’t be cheap.

I wouldn't trust the body guards if I were her, to keep her where-abouts secret. Money talks. Just two body guards would cost her $10,000 a week, it was reported earlier. But who knows what the going rate is.

218 posted on 07/17/2011 8:03:05 AM PDT by caww
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To: BootsOfEscaping

It is amazing how emotional people get over this case yet ignore far worse crimes that happen every day.


Is that right.

Fortunately, and thank God, most reasonable, moral, responsible adults don’t hold such craven and contemptible beliefs.

They, who hold the life of their child and all children sacred, shudder and are beyond heartsick and incensed that an innocent toddler, under the direct care and supervision of her own mother, could EVER be so repulsively and criminally neglected as to end up like this.



I suspect that attitude is also in sync with respect to regard and honor for all human life, including being indifferent about or being pro abortion. Truly, frighteningly .. it’s emblematic of the descent and great decline of this wonderful nation .. where life, which Chiristians believe comes from God, is being so horrificly devalued. May He have mercy on us.


“You know, what I don’t understand about it is they’re [the media] all card-carrying liberals.

When does the death of a child bother them? I’ve never seen them get so upset over the death of a child,” Rush Limbaugh said about the Casey Anthony verdict in his monologue on Wednesday.

“If the child had died, what, two years earlier in the womb this woman would be a star. She’d be a hero. And folks, I don’t think that is a cliche to say. And I don’t think it is a cheap attempt at humor.

I think that while it may be uncomfortable to hear — one of the reasons it is uncomfortable to hear is that there is an element of truth in it,” Limbaugh added.

232 posted on 07/17/2011 8:24:07 AM PDT by STARWISE (The overlords are in place .. we are a nation under siege .. pray, go Galt & hunker downa)
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To: BootsOfEscaping

Mike CZ is that you? Seriously though, casey WAS a party girl. Who the hell goes out to the clubs after their child is missing or killed (either accidently or pre-meditated murder)? Her sleeping around with guys and boozing it up in the clubs is what makes her correctly identified as a party girl. If you personally know girls that are in the clubs 4-5 times a week, it says a lot about the company you hang around with and you’re probably a 20 something person with no regard for responsibility.

273 posted on 07/17/2011 9:59:37 AM PDT by Blue Highway
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To: BootsOfEscaping

I am not going to argue with you about the cost of operating a jet. But I can tell you with a little bit of knowledge that $3000.00 an hour is ridiculous and would barely cover the insurance required for that hour. Someone is going to get a 1099 for that flight, which will be booked at about $18,000.00 so let’s move on. My point is that she is a skank and right now she is living better and getting more attention than she would have ever guessed in her wildest dreams. Afterall, she is a high schoold dropout, which is beyond laughable. It took the murder and it was murder, of her two year old child so that Casey could have “a beautiful life.”

358 posted on 07/17/2011 12:31:03 PM PDT by Toespi
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