Wolfie - you are missing the important point in all this discussion.
Kelleigh Nelson is a messenger only. You have attacked a messenger. That will not win you any accolades with those of us looking into the backgrounds of potential candidates.
I got a lot of that when I researched Obama’s background - people ripping at the sources of my information rather than trying to verify the information. Everything I learned in the summer of 2008 concerning Obama has been affirmed. All a researcher can do is provide information.
If you don’t believe Kelleigh, by all means, challenge her facts. But I already know, from my own research, that Rick Perry is a member of the Corrupt Old-boys Club in Texas.
I won’t vote for him - no way. If the people of Texas can tolerate him, so be it. But I do not want another New World Order believer as President.
Rick Perry is malleable and willing to be bought off (Merck, Cintra SA). He can be pushed into a corner to do something “conservative” once in a while. But he is not a conservative by conviction or instinct.
He is a Gummie Politician
I'm afraid other than maybe Ron Paul, we have no choice. You know as well as I who selects the POTUS and it isn't us.
Actually the only choice this time around is, anybody but Obama.
I just feel, Perry is the only one who can achieve that function.
Same old strategy.... Over and over and over.