I agree, dead. It is ASTOUNDING to me the colossal stupidity of those who obviously have no concept of liberty from government oppression.
dennisw actually believes and says out loud, with apparently no shame, that the woman should lose her civil rights, be forcibly removed from her property whoile committing NO CRIME, and lose her freedom via incarceration, because he doesn’t like the way she or her “boyfriend” THINKS?!?!?! (hello “Thought Crime”),
And the way the boyfriend “sounded” on a radio talk show???
He has a true jackboot mindset. That’s what we fought WWII to defeat.
UN. FRICKIN. BELIEVEABLE. from someone who (I guess) proudly calls himself a “Freeper”???
“Freeper” isn’t the word I have in mind. I have 2. The second starts with an ‘I’ but the first has an ‘F’ in it ;)