Besides talking about himself, how does the repeated “you guys” resonate? I feel it is condescending, and the One does not even know that he is expressing his disrespect for men and women wearing our nation’s uniform.
he is obviously bluffing his way through a situation in which he knows he is not qualified
he's got more cajones than brains, this has been his modus operandi probably his entire conscious life
he knows he can mesmerize a crowd ... all those guilty whites...all those resentful blacks and browns...he plays them ...substitutes what he doesn't know or feel, with disarming humor, homie talk, jive, “attempted” self deprecation (this falls flat because he is such a narcissist he cannot REALLY put himself down...
This wizard of oz routine put him into the Wh and has worked for him.... up until now
People know he is a fraud
He knows he is a fraud
and now, he knows THEY know he is a fraud
that’s part of his whole “I’m the first hip-cool-down/with/the/struggle president” shtick.
Note the expressions on the faces of the troops behind this idiot.
“you guys” is a constant refrain from Zero, and it’s the kind of forced “familiarity” you hear from your waiter at a restaurant who
keeps passing by your table saying “You guys all right?”.
All the while he’s just wsiting for his tip.
“You guys” delivered to soldiers in a context like this
carries so much screechy cognitive dissonance with it, it’s hard not to see it as BEYOND emotionally disconnected, and BEYOND condescension: ‘you guys’ are ‘doing your thing’, and I’m doing ‘my thing’, which for now means I’m presenting myself as someone who respects you and is honoring your service and sacrifice.Respect is something its very hard to fake, and emotion is something that should be apparent at some point in a service like this. Obama has no emotion; he’s above it all, and this little photo-op of his, not to mention his big blunder, once again proves how “cool” and detached he is.
It boggles the mind that this ‘guy’ is in the position he’s in. We just have to sit it out and make sure he gets tossed
next November.