The impression I get from his position is that he is willing to compromise on the message to assuage the feelings of the "audience."
Certainly we should expect that active homosexuals may present themselves into the audience of a Sunday service, but they should never knowingly be admitted into the congregation.
Admitting them into the congregation allows their cancer to infect the whole congregation and soon the church is turned into a feel good social club and before you know it the pastor is a practicing homosexual.
I agree. Anyone who admits an unrepentent person who practices homosexuality into the congregation is in violation of clear scripture. Anyone who keeps a person in the congregation who has gone back to practicing homosexuality is in violation of clear scripture.
God has chosen to put particular emphasis on this sin, and we would be wrong to ignore any sin that God, in scripture, has highlighted for us to be wary of.
This blurb about Mohler is injured by not reading the text of what Mohler actually said. Mohler, however, has been a lifelong stalwart against homosexuality, and since he says here that that hasn’t changed, then I’m going to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I think he’s criticizing Christians who don’t reach out to that kind of sinner. As I said, though, there is little in this article to go on, since the context isn’t fully presented.