Half of U.S. families don’t need to find $2,000. They don’t use money.
Food debit cards, free rent and medical care. Why would they need money?
They are late on their Escalade lease.
But seriously, a lot of these people on disability and welfare pool together in a household of 6 or 8 adults and kids, such that I’m sure their monthly “paychecks” are way more than mine. You are right. Then their money is freed up for cigs and meth.
Not to mention free cell phones, bus passes, heating assistance, "disability" checks, and the list goes on and on.
They're the ones who answer the polls with "the economy's doing just fine".
LOL. because of that 50% (the freeloaders), the other 50% dont have a dime to their name.
So far, cash is still required to pay your drug dealer.