Okay, General Batrachian.
Where do we muster? Who’s the CO? Which company and platoon do we report to?
Blowhards like you love to cut down American patriots because we haven’t rolled guillotines down Pennsylvania Avenue. If you took a historical measure, you’d discover that it took the Founders 25 years - 1750 to 1775 - to organize, find leadership and make a plan to take on the British.
Twenty-six states have an organized state militia. And I’ll bet that you’re not a member of any of them.
Militias are outdated. Look around the world,, leaderless resistance is far better. It’s extremely difficult to roll up. If you give up the luxury of a leader giving orders for this or that plan,,,you wind up with a movement that is much more to be feared.
what the heck are you babbling about? Which patriots am I cutting down? For your information, dimwit, I was a reservist until I was forced out by health problems, and that was not so long ago. I don’t know what you’re responding to. Sheesh.
I’m pouring lots of butter on my popcorn.
How about NFA ‘34? That was enacted far more than 25 years ago, and people still did nothing.
This is not the country George Washington fought for anymore, and it makes me sad to say it.