Saint Elizabeth and the Ego Monster - Excerpt from Game Change
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No one in the Edwardses political circle felt anything less than complete sympathy for Elizabeths plight. And yet the romance between her and the electorate struck them as ironic nonethelessbecause their own relationships with her were so unpleasant that they felt like battered spouses. The nearly universal assessment among them was that there was no one on the national stage for whom the disparity between public image and private reality was vaster or more disturbing.
With her husband, she could be intensely affectionate or brutally dismissive. At times subtly, at times blatantly, she was forever letting John know that she regarded him as her intellectual inferior. She called her spouse a hick in front of other people and derided his parents as rednecks. One time, when a friend asked if John had read a certain book, Elizabeth burst out laughing. Oh, he doesnt read books, she said. Im the one who reads books.
There's more. A LOT more.
It probably depended on how much of a dirtbag he was at any given moment.