Palin has to get in for anyone to have a shot at whipping her. What is she waiting for? I mean if she gets in now she could save people a lot of time and money as we wouldn’t need the prmaries, right? Just skip right to the general election with her as the nominee. We don’t need debates, we don’t need to let the voters decide, just crown her queen today and be done with it.
Read my post, drapes. I weclome Bachmann to the race. I acknowledge the obvious, though. She is not stiff competition for Palin. But neither are the rest.
The transparency of her mission (to assist TEA Party ‘s bete noir Mitt Romney) will further marginalize her. She starts 10 furlongs behind and she will slip further back.
Nonetheless, I am glad she is in there because Palin needs to beat someone for the nomination. There is not currently any gifted politician who stalks abroad, no Reagan or FDR or JFK. The likes of Romney and Bachmann, mediocre thought they be, will have to do. It will be less entertaining, certainly not an epic struggle, but Palin will win. And she will win easily. Bachamnn will never even rise to the level of trivia question.