Poll finds Americans angry about pretty much everythingBUT. The anti-American usurper in the white house and his mrs, 'Marie Antoinette Obama; are 'partying like its 1999', because everything is going right according to THEIR PLAN!
- Unemployment is at 9.1 percent,
- Gas and grocery prices are skyrocketing
- The housing market is in the dumps,
- And people arent happy.
Destroy the US economy: ☑Yep, everything is going right as rain. No wonder he celebrates by playing so much Golf.
Put white folks out of jobs 'they stole': ☑
Redistribute the wealth from the 'haves': ☑
Give the money to 'Holder's People': ☑
Ignore the Constitution: ☑
Turn the 'Equal Protection Clause' into a joke: ☑
Bypass congress with a bunch of Czars: ☑
'Rule' by presidential edicts (EOs): ☑
Ruin friendships with all of our allies: ☑
Support Communist and radical revolutions: ☑
Make the USA so weak that the Russian Bear can roar: ☑
Encourage, aide, ARM, and abet an Invasion from Mexico:☑
Last but not least -- Turn the USA into a country militarily equal to Botswana: ☑
By the way, isn't it about time for Marie Antoinette to go to Sicily for a short vacation? I hear there's a small Bakery outside Palermo that makes a killer Cannoli. However she should really call ahead if she's bringing 300 of her closest friends again.
The Bakery only seats ten, even for a 'Queen'.
This had to be Asspress, Yahoo, or Reuters. I always try to guess which outfit of liars writes a piece before I click on it. Their hero-king, Obama is in power and we aren’t all slobbering and happy. That makes us angry in their estimation. Brilliant as usual. (sarc)