Glad Drudge is running with this--as is Slate of all places. And CNN.
Weiner--an enemy of guns, a tax and spend liberal, a PC maven--has sunk himself with his evasive answers. Go check out his video where Weiner calls a CNN guy a "jackass" for asking him if he sent the tweet of his junk to a 21 year old college gal.
Wonder what Mrs. Weiner has to say about this?
“Wonder what Mrs. Weiner has to say about this?”
Mrs. Weiner was Hill’s gal pal and from the looks of their faces in the pic, probably still is. Therefore she doesn’t care. I was going to say that she should know what Weiner’s briefs look like to end the speculation once and for all if it was in fact HIM, but how would she know what they look like?
Now as for Hill’s Spanx size and Cankles diameter, Mrs. W.has to be an authority.