As far as austerity is concerned, do you know of anyone else who fought to reduce expenditures when they had a budget surplus? We don't even know if Chris Christie would have cut expenditures if he hadn't been faced with a massive deficit! Go to Youtube and listen to her 2007 "State of the State" to see a real leader in action - no teleprompter, minimal notes and a formidable grasp of the issues!
In any case, a second Obama term would weld the chains of communism to our limbs so firmly that only our great-grandchildren would have a hope of removing them - and then only at the cost of a great spilling of blood.
‘Sarah Palin resigned in disgrace when faced with 43 separate ethics violations, a corruption record never before matched in politics. Don't let her do the same to Washington DC. Help keep corrupt politicians out by voting down their ringleader, Sarah Palin.’
As I said, if she's given a pass in the primaries, and she wins them, might as well resign yourself to an Obama inauguration while blaming someone else for the loss.