>> manufacturers of light bulbs containing mercury to set up and pay for a recycling program for the bulbs
Do the Chinese respect Vermont law? This should be interesting.
Maybe we can send those freighters BACK to china loaded with used CFLs.
On the other hand, maybe the Chinese will tell Vermont to go pound sand. Incandescents will be illegal, CFLs will be illegal, you can’t burn candles because of globull warming... everything in Vermont will shut down at dark.
Nine months later, the population of Vermont will explode!
I buy them on sale and they do save me money on power...which is my only reason for buying them...
we need to look towards Germany....when incandescent bulbs were banned there...some clever entrepreneurs re marketed them as small heaters...(kind of like you would use in a poultry incubator)....I dont use incandescent bulbs that much, but I do demand the govt keeps their hands off of them....
Why not just ban the mercury bulbs?
So the FEDERAL GOVERNMENT FORCES manufacturers to make these things and then the STATE GOVERNMENT FORCES manufacturers to clean up after them when they burn out.
When will somebody say “no” to the nanny state?
vt already subsidizes their sale.
so sales are high. this increases makers exposure.
The government passes laws which require higher usage of CFLs, then passes more laws saying that the private companies producing the very product which government is forcing us to rely on, are responsible for the unintended consequences of the laws passed by the government.
Positively Randian.
“...Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin is going to signed a bill calling on manufacturers of light bulbs containing mercury to set up and pay for a recycling program for the bulbs...”
Sounds like just some more liberal “feel good” legislation since none of these bulbs are manufactured in Vermont.
This is a great law, I’m totally for it. Mercury powder in light bulbs is rediculously stupid. Everyone just throws them in the trash, which then gets crush by the compacter on the street, and you’re children are playing in mercury dust outside all day long, this is giant ecological disaster and should be outlawed. We took one of the most dangerous substances on earth, encased it in 1/16th inch of glass, and put 20 or 30 of them in every home. Now, we just crush them in the garbage trucks out on the street and don’t think we, or our children are gonig to suffer mercury poisoning ...
I have a 5 year supply of the good old fashioned kind.
I keep stock piling ‘til it’s a 20 year supply.
This sounds okay to me. It’s a small state, so they can do things that larger ones can’t. And part of its state resources are its natural beauty and resort areas and skiing and whatnot, so they have a larger stake in keeping their state environmentally sound and healthy.
I’m remembering decades ago when “greenies” were warning about the release of mercury in oceans and waterways and the harm it could cause. Others decried that as false panic, lies, etc. Fast forward decades: The mercury has in fact caused harm; pregnant women are not supposed to eat fish, and other people are supposed to limit tuna and other kinds of fish to twice a week or something....because the fish are poisoned with mercury.
Mercury’s very dangerous, it seems.
I use both incandescent and CFLs in my house. But I just throw them both away when they burn out. I didn’t know I was supposed to do anything special with them. I mean, what could I do with them? Drive miles away to dispose of one light bulb?
You must realize what constitutes the word Vermonters.
This state has been socialized for years.
They are so poor that they cannot live without taxpayer dollars or they are so rich they don’t care.
Be on a border state on a Saturday afternoon. Vermont plates out number New Hampshire plates 3 to 1.
and why do we have to worry about mercury....its all because of big brother governement. Everytime the federal governement does us a “mandatory favor” like forcing us to buy special toxic light bulbs with no alternatives, we end up paying for it.