Since when do Randians care about the downtrodden?
We believe in individual liberty. Thus when government treads on anyone, especially those honestly trying to make their way from poverty to prosperity, we are most concerned.
“Caring” has become such a programmed, choreographed, and scripted thing among those who really couldn’t care less, that it would be almost difficult to tell on camera. Behind the lens, off the record, it becomes patently obvious.
I'm a "Randian," and not only do I give $thousands to poor, downtrodden people (of my own choosing), but I advocate for them, and help them navigate the byzantine health care system as well. As another Randian, Glenn Woiceshyn, has written, "One byproduct of individualism is benevolence -- a general attitude of good will towards one's neighbors and fellow human beings. Benevolence is impossible in a society where people violate each others' rights [as is built-in to the structure of the collectivist state]."