I had buddies working in music stores during that time frame, and they were ready to put a gun to their head if one more 14 year old plucked his way through the intro to “Stairway to Heaven” at 95 decibels...
Every cover bad in every club played “Smoke on the Water”.
I hate the song, but it has one of the most recognizable intros of straight ahead top 40 rock.
I take no prisoners. Every white boy's dream dance song at frat parties...
Back in the late 70s/early 80s, I swear it seemed like every juke joint or road house I walked into, the first thing I heard was the “Ayyy-eee-iiii!” of “Immigrant Song” playing.
I started to wonder if every bar band in the area was just waiting for me to show up....LOL
[and decades later, I wind up on a site where the Viking Kitties play it before every ZOT...spooky]