I wonder why Wyoming has a budget surplus and the lowest unemployment? What are they doing right that the other states are doing wrong?
Sparsely populated. Fewer people competing for the available jobs. Just spit-ballin’ here. Don’t know for sure.
Well, there are not a lot of large cities which tend to draw the liberals to, so I'd bet that has something to do with their success.
Current elected officials: The Wyoming Republican Party currently controls all five statewide offices and holds supermajorities in both the Wyoming Senate and the Wyoming House of Representatives. Republicans also hold both of the state's U.S. Senate seats and the state's at-large congressional seat (from: wikipedia).
I would bet that Wyoming is the “whitest” state in the union. It’s too cold in the winter to suit the “south americans” and the “southerners.” People there actually still want to work for a living, so sponging off the government is probably not cultural.
Republican governor and legislature and the largest producer of steam coal in the United States.