Fantastic. Did Stewart use his trademarked pregnant pauses and impish smirks to clue in the dolts in his audience that it was time for them to laugh at his hilarity? Also, your spelling of "embarassing" is embarrassing, as is your misuse of "its" instead of "it's". Perhaps watching less "Chapeau Jon Stewart" and reading more "books" would help you better disguise your little act here. The rest of your post is irrelevant. I don't care if Common is a bigoted cop-hater, which he is, and he proves in his lyrics. I do care that the President of the United States allows this filth into the people's house. I also wouldn't want Dice Clay to attend a poetry reading at the White House.
Oh no its the grammar police. This is an informal forum and I dont need to make sure I have all the appropriate punctuation because this is an informal setting and you expect people to be able to read something without any excessive use of punctuation.
Thats fine though, it doesnt even bother me because all you could do was attack my post for lack of punctuation and a typo.
Ill reiterate, bush invited johnny cash to the whitehouse and gave him an award for excellency. You might want to listen to some of his lyrics concerning how he wants to kill his wife and take heroin etc..
Of course you probably will defend this or just ignore it alltogether. Where was the uproar about this? This just makes you seem like a hypocrite, which undoubtedly you are. Im sorry I attacked your gay lover sean hannity because he is a hypocrite douchebag who gives conservatives a bad name. Am i not toeing the party line when I dont agree with this bullshit being the focal point when there is much more important issues than this garbage. Especially when hannity takes something completely out of context. Common clearly after saying that line about the cops says VERBATIM:
“no time for that, ‘cause theres things to be done, stay true to what I do, so the youth dreams can come”
The show isnt called chapeau jon stewart. Chapeau, is the french word for hat, and using it like that is similar to saying “hats off to jon stewart”.
Congratulations on trying to insult me, i dont care in any case, you clearly are trash. If you would like to indulge in a conversation in real life where im sure you wouldnt act so “tough” I would be happy to buy your plane ticket to austin, hell ill fly you in first class, im sure that would be a first for you.
Congrats, you have made me lower myself to your pathetic level.
Go on correct my punctuation please..