Paul asked same question. Says union wages are artificially high and the cost has been loss of jobs. Says interstate commerce clause should not be used to block businesses.
Pawlenty defending "intelligent design" education bill he signed which leaves such topic to local decisions. Asked about his support for Cap & Trade and his infamous greenhouse regulation ad. He says he was wrong, made a mistake and regrets it. Now opposes Cap & Trade.
What a dumb question by Chrissy. Who cares what Santorum wrote about women in a book in 2005.
Santorum asked about his controversial writings on women. Spinning to avoid misogynist charges. Wallace gives him a second chance to get himself out of the noose and Santorum claims he only meant to say radical feminism created an atmosphere that denigrates the choice to stay at home.
Feel like I’m watching Fox News Sunday with Chrissy and his republican GOTCHA! GOCHA! GOTCHA! questions! wtf