Whats with the stray marks around the "A" in Alvin?
Why is there a blank space in the middle of the "l" of 'Alvin'?
Why is the to top of the "k" separated from the rest of the letter?
Whats the black blob in the bottom of the "S" in 'State Registrar'?
Why do the "T" and "E" run together at the top?
Why do the "R" and "A" run together at the bottom?
Are those just more 'typos'?
Answer to all, including "TXE": Copy artifacts!
Or lets look at another possibility. Why is the word "OF" so much darker and bolder than everything else? Did the forger mistakenly bold that text while they were mistyping "THE" as "TXE"? Actually the whole middle line "ABSTRACT OF TXE RECORD ON FILE IN" looks bolded. Boy they sure were stupid to bold the middle line and not the others.