The baby is going to suffocate to death anyway.
A ventilator only prolongs the death.
Many a baby dies on a ventilator.
Eventually, the body gives up, pumonary resistence increase, you pump in higher flow rates of 02, and the baby eventually dies.
This is not compassion, it is torture.
Baby Josephs lawyer dropped from case: prayer vigils planned
“Justice Radys decision was based on doctors testimony that he is in a permanent vegetative state with no brain stem reflex.”
I do not believe you are a medical doctor. Please read the above sentance again.
Do you know what loss of brain stem function is?
Please go back to medical school.
The baby needs a ventilator to breathe. Quit fudging the facts.
Baby Josephs lawyer dropped from case: prayer vigils planned
Please read the report by the medical board.
I am not sure how to copy and paste to the FR site, but this report is very detailed. This baby has no brain function.
Fight for another cause. There are a lot of children out there who need help and support. Help and support with medical bills, etc. Fight for them.