My question back to those like Rove (+McCain+ Graham-nesty) is how are you going to get legalized illegals who get the vote to support something like Ryan’s plan versus Obama’s ‘tax the rich’ plan.
I will agree with Rove in one sense. Republicans have NO plan for dealing politically with Hispanic voters who are a huge growing population. I could see this in NV race where Democrats motivated Hispanics to vote just to defeat Sharon Angle when Harry Reid was disliked by everyone there. Angle had no political strategy to deal with the Hispanic voters and thought playing up to (conservative) whites would be enough to win. She told her potential (NV) voters they were unemployed because they were basically lazy and other crazy stuff.
Republicans need some sort of message specifically to Hispanics to if nothing else wedge some of them from the Democrat party.
Losing elections is NOT winning
I believe the Republicans DO have a plan. Amnesty.
I believe they want to put a young well known hispanic star on the Presidential ticket this time. Maybe as VP. I am not sure about the eligibilty of this person, but hey, supposedly nobody in the heirarchy of either party cares.
None of the potentials has said that no amnesty will be granted. They talk about a pathway to citizenship, which is amnesty.
Both parties think that if it is their party that makes this possible they will be rewarded with the hispanic vote.
The democrats meeting like this is a way to try and force the issue before the election. A pure and simple ploy because they know that the GOP base is against amnesty and a tussle will be guaranteed.
On Fox "Special Report" yesterday Mara Liasson said that the GOP could do amnesty without the "path to citizenship."
1) Rewarding illegal behavior leads to more of the same.
2) Huge entitlement costs to add to obamacare and a growing part of the voters who pay no income tax but want more from the government, plus legal family-based immigration.
3) Thinking about bigger guest worker programs without a "path to citizenship?" Anchor babies and the courts make that approach just a slower form of amnesty.
The only argument I could make to Hispanics who want amnesty, is that all these forms of amnesty amount to killing the golden goose for themselves eventually, but by the time they realized that it would be too late.
The way to deal with “Hispanic voters” is simple: encourage them to become Americans, both psychologically and legally.
Learn the American way of life, not only materially but in spirit.