Wrong. I think one of Sarah’s many strengths
is nipping every snipe in the bud. Other
conservatives would do the same if they had
media cooperation. Indeed, we criticize our own
for not setting the record straight. Now she’s
doing it and we’re still unhappy.
Sarah is great. Good family values, not afraid to stand toe to toe with liberals progressives, and NOT CORRUPTED BY WASHINGTON POLITICS, SMART, a great communicator. Her actions in Alaska were excellent. On oil, On cutting spending, in returning her Governors airplane, on all Alaskans getting a greater share of the oil revenues. etc. Sarah believes in Christianity, she is anti Abortion, she is a true conservative, for gun rights, for the Constitution, for a strong defense, she would choose a conservative for the U.S.Supreme Court, if it came up, she is for closing our borders, ...
Republicans time after time eat our own best and end up splitting our votes. Democrats do not split their votes, they are 100% behind their one candidate and united behind their whole tickets.
When a candidate is chosen conservatives must unite behind said candidate. Our only hope and prayers to God for a candidate that loves America and the will of the people. A restoration to America's former successful values.
No one is perfect. Lies and all knives will be out in full force for the conservatives candidate.
God help us in our day, protect Sarah and her family, in Jesus name amen.