Well that’s great, but saying that people should be able to get out of their mortgages doesn’t square with that
People aren’t “getting out of their mortgages” ,, the mortgages were invalid from inception , they don’t really exist according to the TILA laws , they weren’t mortgages they were undisclosed securities contracts with hidden parties , they cannot and will not stand.
When people start realizing that the foreclosing entities are the ones that have been getting the “free house” you’re so upset about ,, that they NEVER LENT THE MONEY ,, then your attitude will change .. you’re just conditioned to accept the banks argument because “they’re the bank” ,, WELL ; THEY”RE NOT THE LENDER ,, the way the Wall Streeters constructed this scam is to ensure thatthey through control of the servicing and trusts would always be between the lender and borrower ... SO THEY COULD CONTROL THE INFORMATION...
That's horsehockey.
They signed a valid mortgage at their closing.
The only question with some; is who is able to foreclose due to the mortgages being sold.