To: JosephSmithNAW
I think Romney knows he has a major problem with Trump running. Trump has gone to the right of him (Obama Birth, Commie China) yet Romney really cannot raise the “Trump is a Liberal” issue so many are trying to do here on FR....Romney is pretty left himself
36 posted on
04/17/2011 10:59:25 AM PDT by
(Stop Obama....Boycott Beck)
To: UCFRoadWarrior
Romney is now trying to play the ‘Elder Statesman’ role and trying to keep his herd intact.
To: UCFRoadWarrior
" I think Romney knows he has a major problem with Trump running. Trump has gone to the right of him (Obama Birth, Commie China) yet Romney really cannot raise the Trump is a Liberal issue so many are trying to do here on FR....Romney is pretty left himself "
That must explain Karl Rove's, the MSM's and others for the attacks on Trump, because they see their favorite Romney losing out this time.
Many here have said that they might not vote for Trump even IF he runs.... and even if he does not run ? why attack him for bringing up important issues ? China ? the Oil ? nope, it's the birth certificate issue. is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson