The failed reactors were designed by General Electric.
You beat me to it. sd
...and in the 1960s, no less. They, I believe, are the oldest reactors in Japan.
A 40+ year old GE design back from when you still saw Edsels on the road. Much better safer designs since then
And the GE reactor is designed to melt if enough things go wrong.
There are plenty of fail safe nuclear technologies that have been around since the 50’s, but unfortunately the patents aren’t held by people that bribe governments and get inferior, inherently dangerous products subsidized by our tax dollars.
On the bright side, we’ll save plenty of money on maintenance and insurance now that GE has killed the nuclear industry, driving the price of oil to the point where soon we won’t be able to afford gasoline.
We have two of that design in TN I believe, but if we get a 70ft tsunami to deal with those reactors will be least of the nations ills.
And they were 1970 vintage design.
And Toshiba AND Hitachi.
And let's get facts straight, the reactors did not fail.....
.....A record earthquake shook the $hit out of the area.
.....Primary power was lost and the reactors scrammed.
.....The reactors were perfectly fine with backup power.
.....A tsunami took out the backup cooling power.
.....TEPCO had the spent fuel pools in the same building as the reactor containment buildings. THIS is where most of the trouble has been. TEPCO did not pay enough attention to getting water into the spent fuel pools. ANYBODY who knows what these are KNOWS spent fuel in a cooling pool must be cooled and that the water will disastrously evaporate if not replenished and cooled. It has nothing to do with the reactor or GE. TEPCO made this decision as they did with the break wall and the placement of emergency power AND the emergency power fuel supply.
Do that to any reactor designed in the same era and they would be having problems too.
I admit I used to work for GE (on the turbine side of the business, not nuclear) for disclosure purposes. I QUIT GE because I could not stand to work for them anymore. But I prefer to keep facts straight.
Well I guess that makes it all better.