Occasionally it goes wrong. On the set of the TV show “Cover Up”, actor Jon Eric Hexum was clowning on the set with a .44 Magnum revolver. Hexum thought the pistol was either unloaded or all the blanks had been fired, He put the pistol his temple and squeezed the trigger. The pistol fired and drove part of the blank cartridge wadding through his skull and into his brain. Hexum was rushed to the hospital on October 12, 1984, but there was no hope. Life support was removed and he died on October 18 at age 26.
‘Folks must remember that Hollywood actors (and extras) are nearly 100% illiterates ‘
That’s really all you need.
The Wikipedia entry on Hexum has some very nice information about Hexum’s mother who had his brain-dead body flown to San Francisco so his organs could give life to others. What a selfless act for grieving mother to do!