“Shimon Peres is due at the White House on Tuesday to meet with President Obama and explore ways out of the bind.”
oslo meets zero. peres shouldn’t be negotiating ANYTHING on Israel’s “behalf.” He should have been in jail years and years ago. treasonous bastid and carter waterboy.
oslo meets zero. peres shouldnt be negotiating ANYTHING on Israels behalf. He should have been in jail years and years ago. treasonous bastid and carter waterboy.
Once he does that, he has radical Islam in charge of all the armies surrounding her and guess why. Like “his people”, he does not want Israel to exist. His preacher, Rev. Wright, was not kidding in his racist rants and Obama picked that church because he’s a Muslim racist.
The other part of the plan is the Muslim invasion (”protest”) of Israel through Egypt which Muslims are organizing with the radical left of the West now. The other plan is another floatilla with radicals controling surrounding armies to react to Israel if she tries to stop the border breach.
Both of these “protests” are designed to tip into war because if Israel lifts a finger to protect her borders from the invasion, Egypt’s army will step in. The same with blocking the invasion by sea. Obama and his clones are cheering this on.
We are so screwed. I don’t see any way to derail what he has set into motion short of a miracle.:(