I guess posting that is easier than providing actual proof of your ideas. Here’s a hint, though. Birthers are an embarrassment to most freepers. We know that Birthers are not representative of conservatives, we know that Birtherism was started by Hillary supporters during the primary, and after the primary, it became pretty damn clear that Obama benefited from birthers being in the news. We know that it is pretty strange that when caught in lies (the republic of Kenya fraud birth certificate, for one), it became the fault of the alleged conspirators that Ms. Taitz was too dumb to check her slices, then it was ignored. Face it, Birtherism is bs.
as recent polls show (72% of persons asked), you don’t have to be a ‘birther’ to state that you wonder why you are given NO information about this man’s past, including his birth, his schooling, his scholastic records, his legal records, his legislative records, his passport records...hell, we don’t even know what kind of cars he drove! All the information is fluff and manipulated .jpegs.
Now tell us where you hid WinOne4TheGipper.
Upholding the US Constitution is not representative of conservatives? You're on the planet called BS. We know the opposite of what you say. Empirical evidence is against you.
Polls show that America is a Birther Nation
Only 9% believe Obama has documented eligibility
Poll: Majority of Republicans Doubt Obama Born in U.S.
Birthers are an embarrassment to most freepers.
It is you WinOne4Obama who belongs to the tiny minority on FR. You're the embarrassment. Look around.
If you feel that the continuing controversy surrounding these issues is damaging to conservatism, you are not the only one. Obama seems to feel that this issue cuts in his favor, too, and that may be one good reason for his refusal to cooperate with the inquiry by producing all of his birth records.
If you feel that the continuing controversy surrounding these issues is damaging to conservatism, perhaps like me you would like to see these issues resolved as soon as possible. I have written to Speaker Boehner and to Chairman Issa and urged them to subpoena all of the Hawaiian birth records so that we can see if they in fact exist and so that we can all view the content of any and all such records as may in fact exist. I urge you to join me by adding your name to those who have called upon Speaker Boehner and Chairman Issa to take the few minutes it would take to subpoena those records now.
Thanks for your assistance. Together, we can clarify these matters and prevent these lingering uncertainties from damaging the conservative movement.
I hate to say this. I really do.
Sir, you are embarassing me.
You REALLY need to get up to speed with the research that has been posted on this site. Upon doing so, you will come to the same conclusion, because it is unavoidable.
Please, for your own sake, and for the sake of your long reputation on Free Republic, stop posting about this until you have read through rxsid’s posts, that of Red Steel, and a rew otherw who have done research more outstanding that that which was done destroying Dan Rather.
The Historical Documents DO exist. They DO say exactly what we are telling you.
The HISTORICAL AND CURRENT defination of a Natural Born Citisen is one who was born under the soldejurisdiction of the United States.
This is NOT just a defination WE use, it is used internationally in order to determine issues of citizenship. Anyone born to parents of two different nations can CHOOSE at adulthood which Nation to to be a citizen of. Case in point, an olympic skier who was born to a jamacan Father decided to officially take up the citizenship of his Jamacan father, even though he was born to an American Mother in America. It is the very issue of being able to CHOOSE that disqualifies one from being a Natural Born Citizen. An NBC CANNOT choose. They can apply for a different citizenship, and perhaps be denied. A son of a Jamacan can choose to get his official documentation and citizenship at any time. So to can Obama.
Obama was never for an instant a Natural Born Citizen.
From Leo Donofrio and his original research of original documents: http://naturalborncitizen.wordpress.com/
John Bingham, aka father of the 14th Amendment, was an abolitionist congressman from Ohio who prosecuted Lincolns assassins. Ten years earlier, he stated on the House floor:
All from other lands, who by the terms of [congressional] laws and a compliance with their provisions become naturalized, are adopted citizens of the United States; all other persons born within the Republic, of parents owing allegiance to no other sovereignty, are natural born citizens. Gentleman can find no exception to this statement touching natural-born citizens except what is said in the Constitution relating to Indians. (Cong. Globe, 37th, 2nd Sess., 1639 (1862))
Then in 1866, Bingham also stated on the House floor:
Every human being born within the jurisdiction of the United States of parents not owing allegiance to any foreign sovereignty is, in the language of your Constitution itself, a natural born citizen. (Cong. Globe, 39th, 1st Sess., 1291 (1866))