This was news to her? Oh boy!
Read on you self absorbed knower of all, then qualify your earlier statement with any other typical politician. Arghhhh. Hint, in the event you can't find it I pasted it below. The next hint, she was addressing an audience in India. So tell us now the fine details of the political squabbles in India. She was reiterating a known fact here that may not have been so obvious to them.
"One thing I learned is that you cannot trust the mainstream media to accurately report on [your record and accomplishments]," she said. "You have to have the boldness, the courage to set the record straight yourself."
She even accused Republicans of not defending their records vigorously enough.
And then what I considered the money line of the entire appearance;
"Too often, Republicans have the fighting instinct of sheep sometimes," she said. When it comes to correcting the record, "I will put my foot down."