Seems to me that both. It's not like women went to work against the wishes of men: if they did we would have heard about millions and millions of women abandoned by their husbands for working outside the home. All those husbands bought into the mantra "mom's work won't hurt the baby" --- just like they later bought into a pro-divorce mantra, "It's better for children if parents are divorced rather than hear them argue all the time." Most importantly, those same men really enjoyed the extra paycheck. It looked as if this is all benefits but no costs. You and I know that there were costs, but those accrued to the children (born and aborted), and we don't hear about this much because children have no voice.
So it seems to me that this is just a general cultural trend shared equally by men and women. The same French at the end of 19th century appear to prove the same: they stopped having babies without wives going to work.
As cynical as this may sound, but people appear to simply egotistical and prefer to live for themselves rather than children. From those in their 20s and 30s, I hear constantly, "Don't rush to get married, enjoy life for a while" (as if marriage is a pure chore and burden); and, "We don't want to rush with the baby (in singular) and prefer to travel and enjoy life for a while" (as if children are pure burden). I did not notice any difference between the sexes in such attitudes.
At the rate Cali is going Im expecting within about 20 or so years to see the state become a part of Mexico. Its possible that Arizona, New Mexico, and Texas will suffer the same fate, too.
It well may be so, especially if some larger civil war erupts. If it does not, I think that the birthrates of everyone else but Anglos will make Anglos a small and silent minority, and traditional, English roots of our culture with die off. There may be no need to join Mexico: it's possible that they would simply have this, more prosperous than Mexico, country for themselves.
That's just my two cents, of course. It was good to hear from you, Jack.
Leftism always seems to infantilize societies and cultures.
What many here are not mentioning is that American women and families are NOT having as many children because they cannot afford them. With all the taxes and other government expenses in addition to the usual expenses of raising a child, many are looking at the cold hard expenses and saying 1 or 2 children.
Now the most growth, of course is coming from those who do NOT have to pay for their children, welfare moms and illegals, who get all their beenies at government expenses, paid for by those same Americans who are having LESS children.
Its hard enough paying for your OWN children nowadays, but to do so while getting the bill for all the grifter children is too much financially for many leading to less children from the PRODUCTIVE members of society. This, of course, leads to less births from them and more and more births from the GIVE ME class.
As this goes on and on for generation after generation, we lose control and the PAID underclass gets bigger and bigger and will eventually destroy the republic, as they will continue to vote for those who give them stuff.