Posted on 03/19/2011 9:19:53 PM PDT by 2ndDivisionVet
Yes, as he continues to hold up drilling permits for U.S. oil companies in the Gulf.
(Reuters) The U.S. Interior Department said on Thursday it gave final approval for Petrobras to use the first ever deepwater floating production storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico.
The facility will be used when the company begins oil and natural gas production at its Chinook-Cascade project in the near future, the department said. Petrobras is based in Brazil.
A Petrobras official who asked not to be identified told Reuters that production would begin in May.
The floating facility has a daily production capacity of 80,000 barrels of oil and 16 million cubic feet of gas. It can be disconnected and moved out of the path of a storm, unlike permanently moored production platforms, preventing long-term supply disruptions because of storms.
These regulatory approvals pave the way for safe, new production of oil and gas resources in the Gulf of Mexico, said Michael Bromwich, who heads the departments agency that oversees offshore drilling.
Such vessels are common for offshore production in other countries without seabed pipelines to transport oil and gas to shore, such as West Africa and Brazil. Petrobras has a fleet of them off Brazils shores, and Exxon Mobil Corp uses one of the largest units in the world at one of its fields in offshore Angola.
Read more. . .
Timely, considering the First Familys upcoming holiday to Rio.
“Obama to Joe the Plumber. Only he is now playing on a much larger field. The guy thinks hes freakin Robin Hood.”
Remember that Robin Hood took from the Sheriff of Nottingham, in other words, another corrupt politician, and gave the money back to the victims.
isn’t China one of Petrobas’ primary customers?
This is absolutely UNREAL!
If people cannot see this as a as the USA taking a direct and strong kick from Obama....they are BLIND!
We MUST make a LOUD noise about this to Congress and the media.
“This is outrageous and Traitorous!
Another YEP!!!
It remains to be seen whether the struggle of our generation against the tyrants of our day in the first decade of the 21st Century will bring a restoration of liberty and the rule of law or a dark and bloody descent into chaos and slavery. If it is to be the former, I will meet you at the new Yorktown. If it is to be the latter, I will meet you at Masada. But I will not be a slave. And I know that whether we succeed or fail, if we should fall along the way, our graves will one day be visited by other free Americans, thanking us that we did not forget that, with help of Almighty God, in the hands of a free man a handgun CAN defeat a tyrant's army.
BTT. I will meet you at the new Yorktown or the next at Masada. And pray daily for the help of Almighty God for this nation.
YES, it is...but many people are beginning to realize this. They are asking Gods forgiveness and beginning to change in substantial ways. ;-)
I hate to add this....but the bulk of the popular culture will come to the same realization only after more serious difficulties.
7 posted on 07/05/2010 7:14:59 AM PDT by SumProVita (Cogito, ergo...Sum Pro Vita. (Modified Decartes))
Agreed we are facing serious difficulties as a nation. In your tagline you quote Decartes, in the next reply I send, I quote Denis Diderot from another time of serious difficulties.
Adversity employs great talents; prosperity renders them useless and carries the inept, the corrupted wealthy and the wicked to the top
May they bear in mind that virtue often contains the seeds of tyranny
May they bear in mind that it is neither gold nor even a multitude of arms that sustains a state but its morals
May each of them keep in his house, in a corner of this field, next to his workbench, next to his plow, his gun, his sword, and his bayonet
May they all be soldiers
May they bear in mind that in circumstances where deliberation is possible, the advice of old men is good but that in moments of crisis youth is generally better informed that its elders
Denis Diderot
Apostrophe to the Insurgents, 1782
(1) On March 18, 2011 Rachel Rose Hartman of Yahoo! News reported: "The Barack H. Obama Elementary School in Asbury Park, NJ will be shuttered this summer, largely due to low enrollment."
(2) This means B-i-g trouble for Obama.
Obama invokes religious themes as 2012 campaign nears
washington examiner | 2/05 | julie mason
Posted on Sunday, February 06, 2011 by RummyChick
"When I wake in the morning, I wait on the Lord, and I ask Him to give me the strength to do right by our country and its people," Obama said. "And when I go to bed at night, I wait on the Lord, and I ask Him to forgive me my sins, and look after my family and the American people, and make me an instrument of His will." Read more at the Washington Examiner: DFIhg
"Voters, Obama is baptized in the fire of faith."
"Obama's been saved. Thank you, Jesus."
"Voters, let's hear an Alleluia and an Amen."
(3) THIS SAYS A LOT Obama's recent Boston fundraiser started out as a $5,000 a plate then dropped to $500 a plate ... but he still could not fill the roomended up talking to a little over 100 people. Ohaha's between a rock and a hard place. In a word----l-o-s-e-r.
(4) Wisconsin (with other states following) has got the Dems scared big time. A key provision of Walker's WI law is not just to eviscerate unions' bargaining power but ALSO the state's obligation to collect union dues out of employee's paychecks---(most of which goes to Dem campaigns).
(5) The libs are paranoid that Obama did not join them in WI as he promised he would during the campaign. He couldn't go----B/C he couldn't appear to side with violent union workers intent on keeping collective bargaining "rights" ...rights Ohaha's army of federal employees do not have.The Elite Turn Against Obama
(6) The Daily Beast | July 7, 2010
Lloyd Grove on the president's waning support among the intelligentsia: Youd think the well-heeled and enlightened eggheads at the Aspen Ideas Festival would be receptive to an intellectually ambitious president with big ideas.......even be seen as Obamas natural base. Apparently not so. More at ...
(7) Takes a family holiday in Latin America as Japan and Libya erupt, gas prices hike, and the US economy sinks.
REFERENCE One of the worlds largest deep-sea oil discoveries was made by Brazilian oil company Petrobras in the so-called Tupi oil field in the Santos Basin off the coast of Rio back in Nov 2007.
The Brazilian protest centered on a complaint that Obama wanted Brazils newfound oil supply to be sold to the US. The US is interested in importing oil from Petrobras, and Obama has said as much. But the US has no powers over Petrobras, which is majority owned by the Brazilian government and intent on servicing local oil needs first.
GAME CHANGER? But the US Dept of the Interior "coincidentally" just gave Approval to let Petrobas drill at its Gulf of Mexico Deep Water Facility.
Looks like anybody can drill in US waters as long as it isn't US companies.
Why won’t she work on her posture?
The exclusive economic zone is the zone where the U.S. and other coastal nations have jurisdiction over economic and resource management
More specifically, the EEZ includes waters three to 200 miles (five to 322 kilometers) offshore (or nine to 200 miles 14.5 to 322 kilometers offshore in western Florida and Texas). Coastal states are responsible for inshore waters out to three miles (five kilometers) of the coast (or nine miles, 14.5 kilometers, off the west coast of Florida and off Texas).
I'm so livid I could scream!
You better pump me for anything you want now. Due to financial constraints I’m losing the Internet at the end of the month. Get it while you can.
Looks like anybody can drill in US waters as long as it isn't US companies
We're giving away access to, and income from, our own resources to foreign companies and countries with no compensation whatsoever!
"The U.S. Interior Department said on Thursday it gave final approval for Petrobras to use the first ever deepwater floating production storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico.
Now who on the earth is a BIG stockholder in Petrobras and would make a financial killing on this? I *seem* to recall it's someone pretty 'famous' (or, 'infamous'). Oh yeah. Why it's...
Mr... SPOOKY Dude!I'm not sure that we (the USA) can survive it until Jan. 20th, 2013 when Barry and the First Wookie get evicted. This communist duo have their America Hating Minions entrenched throughout the Federal system.Obama Boss George Soros Ready To Profit From Oil Disaster
by Tammy on June 14, 2010 Tammy
From November 6, 2012, to Jan 20, 2013, these twos can utterly destroy us. Right now it's 671 Days to inauguration of the NEW POTUS.
(How can 'we' replace their Secret Service Detail to US Marshal Guards?)
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