Another great presentation by Sarah Palin. The anti-Palin folks will seize on her ‘time for a woman president’ comment to bash her and justify their refusal to support her, citing ‘gender politics’. So be it, we all have our opinions. However, I’m pretty sure Sarah Palin said that with a big smile and hardly expects to be elected, much less nominated by a political party whose ‘leaders’ are hostile to her, based on her gender. Frankly, just as Obama’s race was a carefully avoided issue in 2008, Palin’s gender will also be an issue that will be ostensibly avoided while remaining a factor in the 2012 presidential election. My guess is that Palin’s female gender will hurt her a lot more than Obama’s mixed-race heritage may have hurt him. I also believe that with the nation and the world in turmoil and the ineffectiveness of Obama’s presidency and the sheer destructiveness of his socialist policies, Sarah Palin will emerge victorious in a contest between her and Barack Hussein Obama.
about the only people that don’t think it’s time a woman was elected are the sexists that don’t think ANY woman should be elected.
It may if she expects to use it to lure a particular voting block.
She should be explaining to Americans why food prices are going up and why the cost of living is going up and what her plan is to reverse it.
She should be reminding to Americans what happened the last time oil went up like it is now and how it sparked this recession we are still in. Remind them how landlords had to abandon their tenants because they could no longer afford the oil to heat the buildings they owned, she should be reminding Americans of the signs on the banks which read "heating oil loans available".
She should be explaining to Americans how Gadaffi (as looney as he is) was a partner in the war against Al Qaeda, she should explain to the Americans how Obama's weakness could encourage North Korea to take some bold actions against its neighbors, she should be explaining to Americans that we actually have more oil than Saudi Arabia and (not just in Alaska) and that it can be safely drilled in our own nation and we can be truly independent of foreign oil, she should mention that even though she does not doubt that President Obama was born in the United States (if that is what she believes) but that his refusal to present his birth certificate sets a precedence for all other future candidates.
How will we deal and compete with China? What's her stance and plans on dealing with today's Cuba and today's Venezuela. What is Mexico doing differently than Colombia had done to clean up their country of druglords. Where did Mexico go wrong resulting in Colombia being a more desirable vacation spot than Cancun or Acapulco these days?
And she should be talking about how unfair it is to be allowing unhappy undocumented mexicans to enter the USA instead of staying in their own nation and voting against status quo in Mexico and how our allowing the anti-status quo people to come to the USA only hurts those mexicans who are still living in Mexico as we have participated in making their voting block much smaller and decreasing their power for change.
Sarah Palin should be talking about our tax code and her plan to make it simple. There's a lot to be talked about. Simply saying you are conservative is not enough for many Americans. They need to hear details on all of the issues.
Everybody already knows that Sarah Palin is a girl.
If this were likely, wouldn’t there be a little more of a groundswell of support for Palin by now?