I notice you write "seems" which indicates you are not conclusive. Are you recommending ventilation of the gasses out of the containment building? Is that even practical in the situations encountered? Was the buildup a design issue or an operator choice or something in between?
I am not certain we know all the particulars at this time. Taking an action or not taking an action involves tradeoffs. To illustrate by way of devil's advocate: what if the gasses are radioactive, but the area around the building is evacuated? Personally I do not think I know enough to guess all the details that lead the operators there to do what they do and to be their back-seat driver.
I am reasonably certain that over time there will be analyses, investigations, design modification improvements, and new designs.
That's like blaming grunts for command decisions. Since I was a grunt I'm loathe to do either.
But it would seem that srubbing the steam and venting it to the atmosphere would be a better idea no?
Now my BS is in Electronic Engineering so I'm not pretending to be a Nuclear Design Engineer. And I hesitated commenting when the 1st building blew but since number 3 blew as well it became evident that the system was designed to vent steam into the building. If that isn't the case then my question does not obtain. If it is the case then the question stands and it has no bearing on the operators and techs at all. I salute all of them.