See post number 27. And then learn something from it. Man is arrogant to think that he can plan against all things in nature.
There are many ways in which things can go wrong. For instance if a good sized meteor struck the ocean within hundreds of miles from Japan then it would have been all over for those plants in hours...Not days. We now know that waves of water are more a threat than an earth quake. Now it is possible that thousands of people might die over time, and that land may not be livable again during mans reign. That is if this gets as bad as it can get. And I admit that we don’t know yet. Some things are not worth the risk. I won’t respond to personal attacks- so please don’t bother. Anyone who knows me knows that I am as far from being a leftist as you can get.
It’s the same black swan thinking—underestimating the probability of an unlikely bad scenario eventually happening—that is observed in financial markets.
A person doesn’t have to be a leftist to consider nuke power not worth the expense and risk.